O Come, All Ye Kellys Read online

Page 5

  Now we’re dads; we’re engaged; we’ve got this awesome little blended family with Chase’s mom; and best of all, I get to wake up every morning in the arms of the man I love more than I ever thought possible.

  Grabbing me tight by the hips, Connor flips us again so I’m on my back and he’s on top of me. I groan against his lips as he thrusts down, dragging the pierced head of his cock along my shaft.

  “Mmm…fuck, yeah. Give me that cock, babe. I want a taste.”

  The corner of Connor’s mouth twitches in response to that and he doesn’t waste time shuffling up my body and tilting my head forward so he can feed me his cock.

  I take him eagerly, my tongue swirling over the head and paying special attention to his piercing before licking up the rest of his shaft as I take him farther down my throat. I stare up into Connor’s gorgeous eyes and watch his lips form murmured words of praise as he gently fucks my throat. The muscles of his broad, powerful body ripple as he thrusts in and out, one arm stretched out to grip the headboard as he looms over me. And I just love the way his hair looks right now, falling in golden waves to his shoulders; he’s like a tattooed, pierced, bearded Adonis.

  I reach for my own cock, stroking frantically along the hard, throbbing shaft as I continue to suck and swallow Connor.

  “Jesus…baby, I can’t…” Connor stutters out.

  I know what he’s asking me and I lock gazes with him, my eyes communicating all the permission he needs to let loose and fuck my throat. He grabs the back of my hair, tilting my head up and keeping me in place as he thrusts in and out of my mouth in hard, punishing strokes that make my eyes water.

  But I love it.

  My hand moves rapidly over my own cock as I feel the orgasm building inside me, like an inferno ready to ignite any second. Connor’s grip tightens in my hair, his body tensing up as he comes hard down my throat, practically choking me. A second later, my climax rushes through me and I arch off the bed as hot cum covers my hand.

  Connor pulls out of my mouth and collapses half next to me, half on top of me. I’m honestly incredibly proud of myself for not accidentally biting down as I was coming, but it’s not as though I don’t have practice with this kind of play.

  “You okay, baby?” Connor asks, looking a little concerned as I sputter and cough a little. I managed to swallow most of his cum down the right pipe but it seems a little went into my airway.

  “I’ll be fine,” I manage to croak.

  He chuckles and presses a kiss to my jaw. Then he glances down my body and gives a disappointed shake of his head. “Damn. You didn’t leave anything for me.” He eyes me mournfully, his lips forming an adorable pout. “You know I hate it when you get yourself off. That’s supposed to me my job.”

  I smile affectionately at him. “I couldn’t help it.”

  He brushes another soft kiss over my lips before moving away and sliding off the bed. “I’ll just have to make up for it later,” he says with a wink.

  “Where are you going?” I ask as he starts putting his pants back on. We’ve wiled away a bit of time but it’s still early.

  “To get you some water. You sound like you could replace Steven Tyler on an Aerosmith Greatest Hits tour.”

  I decide I may as well get up too; otherwise who knows if Connor will have another attack of the crazy and decide to sneak upstairs and wake the baby while he’s supposed to be in the kitchen. I slide off the bed and pad into the ensuite, quickly cleaning up the mess I made on my hand and stomach. Then I return to the bedroom and pull on a pair of Connor’s sweats. They’re way too big for me, but I love wearing his clothes and he seems to love seeing me in them.

  When I get into the kitchen, I see a glass of water waiting for me on the counter while Connor rummages through the fridge, presumably in search of ingredients for breakfast.

  I down the whole glass of water, feeling a little relief in my throat.

  “You know you can go back. The fridge isn’t going anywhere,” I say as Connor emerges from the fridge, his arms full of various food items.

  He sets the items on the counter; I see mushrooms, a red bell pepper, bacon, cheese, and onion. “I am going back,” he says with a grin, and reaches into the fridge again. This time he retrieves a carton of eggs and a quart of milk. He kicks the refrigerator door closed with his foot and sets the remaining ingredients on the counter.

  “So, what’s on the menu?”

  “Veggie omelets and a side of bacon.”

  “Can I have bacon in my omelet as well?”

  He smiles at me. “You can have anything you want, babe.”


  I glance up as Laura enters the kitchen. “Morning.”

  She arches an eyebrow at my still-raspy voice but then just shakes her head. “I’m not going to ask.”

  “Probably a good idea,” Connor says, offering me a sexy smirk as he reaches under the counter to retrieve a cutting board.

  “What are you doing up already?” I ask Laura. “You need more sleep.”

  “Yeah, but I woke up and was too excited to go back to sleep,” she says, her whole face lit with anticipation. “Chase is way more aware this year than last year. I want to see his reaction when he opens his presents.”

  I groan. “Oh god. Don’t tell me you want to wake him early, too.”

  Her brows shoot up. “Hell no, I want breakfast first. Hopefully he’ll sleep for another hour at least.”

  I offer Connor a pointed look and he just shakes his head and continues slicing vegetables.

  * * *

  Fortunately, we all manage to get through breakfast before Chase wakes and starts screaming to be let out of his crib. As soon as we hear him, Connor jumps out of his chair and bounds up the stairs to Chase’s room. When they come back down, Connor looks like he can barely contain his excitement, while Chase looks adorably bleary-eyed and still totally out of it after just waking up.

  “You could have at least taken him out of his sleep sack,” Laura mutters with an eye roll, before wandering over to Connor and Chase so she can unzip and remove said sleep sack, leaving Chase in his onesie pajamas.

  Ignoring Laura, Connor holds Chase on his hip, cooing at him as he points out the pile of presents near the Christmas tree. “Look, buddy. Look what Santa left you!”

  “Sa!” Chase cries, clapping his hands.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” Connor says, grinning at his son. “See, Santa’s not a scary guy. He brings presents.”

  Connor sets Chase on the ground in front of his presents, and we all spend the next ten minutes helping him unwrap them. By which I mean Laura, Connor, and I unwrap the presents while Chase seems more fascinated with the wrapping paper than any of his new toys.

  Probably not surprisingly, Connor’s favorite of Chase’s new toys is a little plastic guitar that plays Beatles music. Or at least it’s supposed to; it seems the batteries ‘Santa’ left aren’t the right ones for this toy. As Connor messes around with it on the coffee table, trying to figure out how it works, I watch in amusement as Chase comes up to the other side of the table and pulls himself up, his eyes glued with fascination to everything Connor is doing. That kid could not possibly be more obsessed with his dad; it makes my heart glow just thinking about it.

  “Shit. These definitely aren’t the right ones,” Connor mutters. “I’ll see if we’ve got any in the kitchen.”

  He rises from the sofa and strides toward the kitchen; I watch his retreating ass for a brief moment before returning my gaze to Chase, and let out a gasp of surprise when I see him standing up on his own, without holding on to anything.

  “Oh my god!” I cry, slapping my hands over my mouth in excitement.

  “What?” Laura demands, before letting out a little squeal as she no doubt sets eyes on her son.

  “Connor, get in here!” I call.

  “What? What is it?” he asks, rushing back into the room.

  As soon as he sees Connor, Chase puts one foot forward, his arms outstret
ched toward his dad.

  “Oh my god! Oh my god, he’s walking!” Connor exclaims.

  Yeah, not exactly. That one tiny non-step is pretty much all Chase can manage right now, and he topples over onto his backside, his arms still held out toward Connor.

  “I don’t think that really counts as walking,” Laura says, her nose scrunched up in amusement.

  “It was a step,” Connor declares, reaching down to scoop Chase into his arms. “We all saw it!”

  I let out a soft chuckle. “I don’t know, babe. I’m not sure anyone will believe it until we have video evidence of it happening.” All our families have been waiting a long time for Chase to start walking; they’ll want to make sure it’s legit.

  “You have an annoyingly good point,” Connor grumbles.



  * * *

  “Where are you going?”

  I pause at the sound of Shay’s rumbling voice, my hand hovering mid-air before the handle of our bedroom door. I glance back at my boyfriend, offering an affectionate smile. “You were sleeping so I thought I’d make us a nice Christmas breakfast.”

  Shay arches a skeptical brow. “You were going to make breakfast? A special Christmas breakfast.”

  I spin around to face Shay and come clean. “Alright, it was just going to be toast. But I was going to serve it on those elf plates I bought the other week to make it more festive.”

  Shay grins. “That’s sweet, but I don’t want toast right now, red. Now, take those pants off and get over here so I can have a proper Christmas feast.”

  I snort with laughter at that but nonetheless cross the floor over to the bed and shimmy out of my pajama bottoms before climbing back in and joining Shay under the covers.

  My phone chimes with a text and I consider reaching for it but Shay rolls on top of me, pinning me down.

  “Ignore it,” he murmurs, trailing kisses along my neck.

  I figure it’s probably just my mum sending her Christmas wishes; we’ll be chatting with her over Zoom later this morning so it’s not hard to follow Shay’s suggestion. Especially when he’s started working his way down my chest, his tongue circling one of my nipples.

  I let out a groan of pleasure, which only gets louder as he reaches down and wraps his big hand around my hard cock.

  And then my phone chimes again. And then again.

  With a grunt of annoyance, Shay moves away from me and motions toward the bedside table where my phone is currently charging. “You might as well check it. Could be important.”

  “Or I could just switch it off?” I say with a grin.

  Shay’s eyes flare with desire. “Oh yeah, I like that plan.”

  I reach for my phone and am about to switch it off when I see the texts on the preview screen. They’re all from Will. “Hang on a sec. They’re from Will.”

  “Shouldn’t he be getting his own Christmas morning blow job right now?” Shay drawls. “Or is Spencer Cox not into that?”

  I let out a snort of laughter. “Based on what I’ve read, and what Will’s told me, I think Spencer Cox is into a lot of stuff. Maybe a blowjob is too vanilla?”

  “I really don’t want to be talking about Spencer Cox’s sex life,” Shay grumbles.

  I roll my eyes. “Babe, you’re the one who brought it up.”

  Finally checking my phone, I let out a little squeak of excitement as I read the texts.


  Will Crawford: AND I SAID YES!!!

  Will Crawford: I’M ENGAGED!!!!

  Will Crawford: [Photo]

  “What? What is it?” Shay asks, clearly curious as to what has me so excited.

  “Will’s engaged! Oh, wow—the ring’s gorgeous!”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Shay groans before sliding out of bed.

  I stare at him, wide-eyed, as he grabs a pair of jogging bottoms from the chest of drawers by the opposite wall and tugs them on. “What are you doing? What happened to my blowjob?”

  “You know what Spencer Cox is?” Shay asks, ignoring my question. His eyes are narrowed and his body seems to be drawn tight with agitation, “He’s a ruiner.”

  My face screws up in confusion. “What?”

  “That’s right. He ruins things.”

  “Shay, you sound like a complete wanker. What the bloody hell’s going on?”

  Deflating somewhat, he lets out a heavy sigh, lifting a hand to scrub through his dark hair. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I just…”

  “Just…what?” I press, although I’m not entirely sure I want to know the answer. Is he worried that, now my best mate’s engaged, I’m going to start pressuring him for us to get married as well? I’m not going to lie, hearing that Will and Spencer are taking this step after only a few months together is a bit of a gut punch when Shay and I have been together for over a year, and have been living together since May.

  I’m not desperate to get married; Shay’s the love of my life and I don’t need a ring to prove that. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like one. Or that I wouldn’t at least like to know one’s coming at some stage.

  Shay’s gaze meets mine, his eyes full of apprehension. “I just wanted today to be perfect. I wanted it to be all about you. No one else.”

  I’m still completely baffled, but I decide to brush it off. With a teasing grin, I say, “Well, if you want that you could start by coming back up here and giving me that blowjob.”

  The corner of his mouth quirks up. “Why don’t you just step out into the living room?”

  Um…what? So that’s a firm no on the blowjob?

  With a shrug, I crawl off the bed and shove my legs back into my my special Christmas pajama bottoms—the dark purple ones with the little Rudolphs all over them. Then I stride across the bedroom toward the door that opens onto the living room, sensing Shay trailing behind me.

  “What the…?” My words trail off as I start to step slowly into the living area, my mouth gaping like a bloody goldfish as I just stare at the sight in front of me. It looks like a giant fairy has come and shat all over the place, leaving pink and purple sparkly stuff everywhere. There are at least a dozen arrangements of flowers of all shades of pink and purple, from dusty rose through to deep violet. Helium balloons in the same colors cling to the ceiling, with long ribbons trailing down like purple rain. And on the floor… So. Much. Glitter. All the glitter. Everywhere. I want to just lie down in it and make a glitter angel.

  I spin around to ask Shay if he knows who opened our apartment up for a unicorn orgy last night, and see him in the doorway of our bedroom, his shoulder resting against the door jamb, his feet crossed casually at the ankles. There’s a gentle smile on his lips, and in his hand is an open ring box.

  I think this sight stuns me even more than all the glitter, but when I look into his eyes I can see just how genuine he is. There’s so much love and affection there. But also a little apprehension, as though he’s not quite sure what I’m going to say. The idiot—as if my answer could be anything but yes.

  “Are you going to just stand there like a twat, or are you going to ask me?” I nod pointedly at the box in his hand.

  He lets out a bark of laughter that lights up his whole face. Pushing away from the door, he steps toward me and takes my hand in his. Looking deep in my eyes, he says, “James Edward Parrish—”

  “Urgh, seriously? You have to use the full name?”

  “Absolutely,” he says with an affectionate smile. “James Edward Parrish—will you marry me?”

  “That’s it? Nothing about how I complete you as a person, how your life would be empty without me, how you didn’t know what true love was until we met—”

  He cuts me off by lifting his hand to grip me by the chin. “Just say yes, red.”

  I grin at him. “Of course it’s yes, you idiot.”

  He slides the ring on my finger and then wraps his arms around me, swooping down to seal his lips against mine. I link my hands aro
und his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

  When we finally break away, both of us are grinning like idiots. “So this is what that tantrum was about?” I ask, one eyebrow arched.

  He sighs. “I just didn’t want Will stealing your thunder. Today’s your day.”

  I chuckle. “It’s Christmas, babe. Today’s everyone’s day. Besides, I don’t care one bit about bloody ‘thunder’,” I say firmly, lifting my hands in air quotes. “I just care about us.”

  Shay kisses me again, and for a long moment we just get completely lost in each other. I slide my hands all over his muscled chest, running along the ink that I love so much, before sliding down farther and eventually delving into the back of his joggers.

  “Please tell me Jake’s not here so we can shag in the glitter,” I murmur against his lips as my finger starts to tease his crease. “You know that’s always been a dream of mine.”

  “He left for Baltimore early this morning,” Shay says, giving my own ass a squeeze over my pajamas.

  I let out a soft sigh of anticipation. As much as I hate the idea of Jake having to get through Christmas Day with his asshole stepdad, it does make the current situation a lot more convenient. “Perfect. Lose the trousers and grab some lube,” I tell him. “You are so fucking me in this glitter.”

  “I’m starting to think you only said yes because of the glitter,” he says with a soft chuckle.

  “Hmm…it was about ninety-ten if I’m being honest,” I admit. “Ninety percent was the glitter, ten percent because I actually love you and want to be with you forever.”

  His face splits into a broad grin. “Hell, I’ll take what I can get.” He brushes a soft kiss over my cheek and moves away to get the lube.

  After spending a moment watching Shay’s arse as he walks toward the bedroom, I finally glance down at the ring he put on my finger. I’ve been so preoccupied with saying yes and snogging my new fiancé I haven’t had a chance to actually look at it yet, and once I set eyes on it I can’t help letting out a little squeal of delight. It’s purple. It’s a thick band made out of some kind of metal that’s been brushed violet on the outer surface, and in the center of the ring, wrapping all the way around, is an inlay of little purple stones. It’s so bloody perfect I want to cry.