O Come, All Ye Kellys Page 6
“Why aren’t you undressed yet?”
I glance up to see Shay’s emerged from the bedroom completely starkers, lube bottle in hand. I let out a low growl of appreciation as my eyes roam over his gorgeous body, as beautiful today as the night he first brought me home to his apartment, back when we were perfect strangers who never thought we’d see each other again. So bloody glad we were wrong about that.
“I was just…” I hold up my hand to show him the ring. “Shay, it’s perfect.”
His mouth forms into that sexy, crooked smile I love so much. “Better than Will’s?”
“So much better than Will’s!” I exclaim. “His is so boring and not purple.”
With a soft chuckle, he prowls toward me, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning down for a soft kiss. “I love you.”
“I love that you proposed with glitter and a purple ring,” I say, grinning against his lips.
“And I love that you said yes.”
“You’re a right idiot if you thought I’d say anything else.”
* * *
Okay, I’ll admit, I was a total ass earlier when I heard about Will’s engagement. I’ve just spent so long planning this proposal, I wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. Of course, as it happens, the only thing I really needed to achieve that goal was for Jamie to say yes…
With my arms wrapped around him and our lips sealed together, I pull him down with me onto the glitter and confetti-covered floor. I knew Jamie would want to have sex in the glitter; it’s why I’ve done it this way. It’s also why I chose today, when Jake is out of town, so that we can get frisky in the living room, which is usually a no-sex zone.
Jamie scrambles out of his pajama pants—or ‘bottoms’ as he calls them—and pushes me down against the carpet, straddling my waist. I immediately grab his ass, moving him so our cocks line up perfectly as our lips crash back together.
The feel of him moving against me is so good I’m almost light-headed, and when he reaches down to squeeze my nipples between his fingers I can’t help loosing a low, rumbling groan and arching up into the touch.
“Lube?” he murmurs, dragging his teeth along the underside of my jaw.
I blindly reach out to where I’m pretty sure I dropped the bottle of lube and feel around for a moment before wrapping my hand around it. I hand it to Jamie and he sits up, squeezing a little onto his fingers and giving me a show as he leans back with his weight on one hand while he fingers his hole with the other. The sight of him, with his face all flushed as his fingers move in and out of his glistening hole makes me damn near ready to explode.
“Fucking hell. You better hurry the fuck up and get on my cock, red,” I growl, knowing he’s deliberately drawing this out to tease me.
He offers me a sexy grin and withdraws his fingers; he quickly applies some lube to my cock and then positions himself so he can sink down onto it, his expression one of pure bliss as I fill him up.
I grab onto his waist and snap my hips up, fucking deeper inside him just as he pushes back down against me. “Fuuucckkk,” I groan, unable to hold it in.
He’s so freakin’ beautiful, the way he’s riding me right now with complete abandon; his face flushed pink, blue eyes blazing with desire, mouth slightly parted as he lets out breathless groan after breathless groan, and his thick, reddened cock slapping back and forth against my stomach with each one of his movements. Jesus, I have to be the luckiest guy alive to be able to call this incredible man my fiancé.
Gripping Jamie’s hips, I lift him off my cock and toss him front down against the floor. I move up behind him and, quickly checking I don’t have any of the fucking glitter stuck on my cock, thrust back into his tight little hole.
He lets out a sexy little groan at the sensation of me filling him again. It’s a sound that’s so fucking familiar, and so beautiful; I’ll never get tired of hearing it.
I lean forward so my body’s molded against his back, my arms bracing my weight on either side of him. Dropping my head, I suck hard against the back of his neck, marking his pale skin.
“Jesus…Shay…bloody hell,” Jamie cries as I continue to fuck him.
I tug at his gorgeous red hair, tilting his head back and letting out a chuckle as I see half his face is covered with glitter. I kiss him anyway. “Fuck, I love you.”
I want to say more, tell him how much I appreciate him, and how grateful I am to have him in my life, and how him accepting my proposal made me happier than I ever thought I could possibly be. But any further declarations are cut off as I feel my orgasm ripping through me. With a deep, strangled groan, I come in a hard rush, filling Jamie’s ass.
He follows right after, and when I finally pull out and turn him over I can’t help the burst of laughter that escapes me as I catch sight of the clumps of glitter sticking to his cum-coated dick.
I get to my feet and help Jamie up, tugging him through the apartment and toward our ensuite for a much-needed shower.
“So what did you think of the glitter?” I ask him once we’re under the hot spray of the shower. “Was it as good as you imagined?”
“Er…honestly it was bloody itchy.”
I chuckle. “Yep. I can vouch for the that. And I think you’ll have to help me get clean here—I have some lodged…places.”
Jamie arches one red eyebrow. “I think my knob is the main priority, babe. Unless you want a sparkly mouth the next time you give me a blowjob.”
I grin and squeeze some shower gel into my palm, getting to work on de-glittering my fiancé.
* * *
Later in the morning, we spend some time chatting with Jamie’s mom and granddad, who live in England. It’s late afternoon there and both Edward and Sara are rugged up in big wooly sweaters, drinking mugs of tea.
“So, what did you guys do today?” Jamie asks.
“Oh, you know, the usual,” Sara says. “They put on a nice turn down at the pub so we stopped in there for lunch. Your granddad overindulged on Christmas pudding,” she adds in a stern voice, that, judging by her narrowed eyes, was obviously meant for Edward.
“I had two servings. And they were tiny bowls,” Edward says defensively. “I didn’t even have custard.”
“No, just a river of cream,” Sara shoots back.
Edward shakes his head in exasperation. “Jamie, if your mum had her way I’d eat nothing but rabbit food!”
“I’m sure she just wants what’s best for you,” Jamie reasons. Obviously deciding to change the subject, he asks, “So, you’re not going to Sandy’s this year?”
I’m pretty sure Sandy is one of Sara’s cousins on her father’s side. From memory, that’s where Jamie celebrated his family Christmas last year when he was still based in London.
Sara shakes her head, her eyes wide. “No, we can’t. Sandy’s a witch now and doesn’t celebrate any religious holidays.”
“She’s a what?” Jamie asks, his brows practically in his hairline. I have to admit, I’m pretty confused right now, too.
“A witch,” Sara repeats.
“Like in Harry Potter?” I ask. “Does she do magic and stuff?” Is that even a real thing?
Sara shrugs. “I don’t know. She just called one day and said she’s a witch now so she couldn’t host Christmas and suggested I make alternative arrangements.”
Jamie and I exchanged a brief, baffled glance.
“Maybe we should send Sunny over,” I suggest. “This sounds like her kind of person.”
* * *
“Morning, beautiful.” I offer Owen a smile full of affection as I see him coming around the corner into the kitchen, looking gorgeous as ever in his cotton pajama pants and one of my hoodies.
He’s bleary eyed and his hair looks like a bird’s nest, but he smiles in response. “Morning. Merry Christmas.” He pads over to where I’m standing by the counter mixing up the batter for crepes, and I reach out an arm for him,
pulling him against me and kissing his forehead. “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”
“Any updates?” he asks as he moves toward the fridge and retrieves a package of strawberries.
I know exactly what he’s referring to and I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. “He said yes.”
Owen chuckles. “Did you think he wouldn’t?”
I shrug. “You never know. Shay can be a lot to take sometimes.”
“That’s what makes them such a good couple,” Owen reasons. “I can’t imagine there’s anyone else on the planet who’d be able to put up with either of them.”
I laugh outright at the very accurate assessment of both my best friend and son.
Owen digs a cutting board out from one of the drawers and begins slicing up the strawberries, while I shut the blender off and set the batter aside before starting on the chocolate sauce.
We’re almost done with our prep and I’m getting the pan ready to cook the crepes when Owen’s iPad, which is sitting on the other side of the counter, starts blaring with an incoming FaceTime call.
“Oh, it’s Jai!” Owen reaches over the counter to answer the call, propping his tablet up so we can both see the smiling face of his best friend.
“Merry Christmas, Your Highness,” Owen says with a teasing grin. I chuckle, knowing how Jai hates being treated like royalty, despite the fact he legitimately is royal, having recently married the King of Korova.
“Merry Christmas,” Jai grumbles wryly. “I’ve got to say, I’m relieved to see you both dressed at least. Not with your dicks flying about like usual.”
“That was one time,” I say with an aggravated sigh. “And it was an accident.” Pin codes might have saved the world from butt-dialing, but I’m not sure there’s anything anyone can do about butt-answering.
“I’m not sure why you got so upset about that,” Owen says. “It’s not like we look bad when we’re having sex.”
“How do you know what you look like?” Jai asks, his brows drawn together in curiosity. Then his face lights with excitement. “Wait—have you guys filmed yourselves?”
“I don’t think we should answer that…” I say carefully.
“Oh my god, you have, haven’t you?” Jai demands eagerly. “Was it awesome? I’ve been trying to talk Lukas into it but he’s worried someone might see it.”
“Yeah, I can see why that might be a concern,” Owen says.
“How are the kids?” I ask, changing the subject.
Jai’s entire face lights up. “Great! Tomas will be going off to France next year for school so I’m kind of smothering him as much as I can at the moment. I’m sure when he’s older he’ll look back on this period as a very traumatic time, but…” he trails off with a shrug.
I decide to let Owen and Jai talk for a little on their own while I get back to the crepes, and by the time I’ve finished cooking and have a pile of delicious sweet crepes ready, Owen is off the call.
“Mmmm.” Owen’s eyes fall closed as he groans around the piece of strawberries and chocolate-filled crepe he’s just stuffed in his mouth. “God, this is amazing.”
“I can tell,” I say with a chuckle, trying not to think about how much Owen looks as though he’s actually turned on right now. Thinking that will only turn me on.
Owen’s eyes flash open and he pins me with a teasing look. “This is why I married you, you know. The cooking.”
I arch a brow at him. “Oh, really?”
He nods, stuffing another bite of crepe in his mouth. “Yep. I really can’t think of any other reasons. I mean, I guess the money’s kind of nice. And you’re not too bad to look at. And you’re okay in bed…”
He shrugs. “For an old guy you keep up pretty well.”
I let out a bark of laughter and push my empty plate aside as I lean over the counter to get right up in front of Owen. “If you’re trying to taunt me into fucking you right here in the kitchen, it’s not going to work, sweetheart. We’ve got guests coming in a couple hours and I’ve got to get to work.” I step back and start gathering the dirty dishes from the crepes. Grinning at a glum-looking Owen, I say, “That’s why you married me, right? The cooking?”
* * *
It’s a good thing Owen and I don’t get up to anything R-rated in the kitchen today, because my mother ends up showing up at our house an hour and a half earlier than expected. And she’s not alone.
Unlike her usual plus ones, this one isn’t male. Or human.
“MJ!” Owen calls, crouching down to greet our seven-month-old puppy as she races into his arms. “What are you doing here, gorgeous girl?”
“Sunny, you know the whole point of her staying with you was so she wouldn’t be underfoot today, right?” I say to my mom.
“Oh, I know,” Sunny says, reaching to where Owen has MJ cradled in his arms and giving her fluffy gray fur a tousle. “But I couldn’t bear to leave her all alone on Christmas. That’s right, my darling girl,” she says directly to MJ, who is just lapping up the attention she’s getting from all sides. “Granny loves you and she wasn’t going to leave you all alone.”
I roll my eyes. “She’s a dog, Sunny. Not human. You know that, right?”
Sunny blocks MJ’s ears, as if she needs to shield the puppy from my words. “Until you give me human grandchildren—which wouldn’t kill you, I might add—she’s all I have.”
I stare at her for a long moment, my brow creased in confusion. “What are you talking about? You have grandchildren.”
“Yes, but Jamie’s all grown. And Damon’s kids are in Detroit. You know I can’t go there—it has such negative energy.”
I shake my head, managing to keep the eye roll at bay. I know she’s not referring to Detroit itself but rather her experiences there while she was married to my father.
“Don’t worry, Blakey Bear,” Sunny says in a soothing voice as she reaches out to stroke my arm. “This little angel won’t be any trouble today, I promise.”
* * *
The way my mother keeps the dog out of trouble is by simply feeding her morsel after morsel from her own plate while we’re sitting down for lunch. In other words, the past four months of Owen and me training MJ not to beg at the table have basically gone down the drain in one afternoon.
It’s a pretty small gathering, with just Sunny, Shay, Jamie, Finn, Owen, and me digging in to my famous chicken parmesan. I guess most of Owen’s other siblings are celebrating with in-laws, or maybe keeping things quiet within their immediate family this year. And that’s fine by me; we did our big celebration with the Kellys on the weekend, and a nice, quiet lunch today seems perfect.
I’m also really glad that I get to be the first person to toast Shay and Jamie on their engagement. As unconventional as the situation is, I honestly couldn’t be happier for my best buddy, or my son.
When they walked into our house with little flecks of glitter shining in their hair and on their skin I decided not to even ask. But when Finn showed me the photos of what they’d done to the living room, the answer to that question became pretty obvious.
“Jesus, how did you manage to do all that overnight?” I ask as I glance at the photos of Shay’s epic proposal. I’m glad Owen’s not the kind of guy who likes big, romantic gestures because I can’t see myself pulling something like this off. Although I did organize for us to get married by a king…
“It was an elaborate plan with several moving parts,” Shay says.
Finn rolls his eyes. “He had all the shit delivered to my hotel room and then Dec and Heath helped me bring it all over last night. Then I stayed to help Jake and Shay set up.”
“Meanwhile, I had the job of fucking Jamie into such a state of blissful oblivion he’d be completely out of it and not notice us moving around in the living room.”
“Wow…that is so exactly what I needed to know about my best friend and my son,” I deadpan.
“I think it’s healthy that you’re so open and honest about sex,”
Sunny says. Because, of course. What else would my mother say in the middle of Christmas lunch? “Your ability to please your partner so thoroughly is a good thing Shay. You should be proud.” She holds up her glass as if to toast him.
Shay grins. “Oh, I am.”
* * *
Shay Kelly: He said yes *smile emoji* *engagement ring emoji*
Me: That’s awesome! Told you there was nothing to worry about!
Me: It was the glitter that sealed the deal wasn’t it?
Shay Kelly: Yup. Definitely the winning touch. Expertly scattered, so well done.
Shay was the one who’d had the idea of putting the glitter all over the floor, but I was the one who ended up actually doing it last night when I was helping him and Finn set everything up. You’d think scattering a whole heap of glitter and foil confetti over a carpeted floor would be pretty simple, wouldn’t you? Nope. It was a nightmare trying to get it just right so that the floor was evenly coated and there weren’t big clumps in certain spots and bare patches in others. Making matters worse was Shay’s insistence that I wasn’t allowed to step in it once it was finally done. Considering the living room is right between my bedroom and the front door, that was a bit of a challenge this morning…
Shay Kelly: I’m not sure I’d recommend having sex in glitter though. I still have it stuck places you really wouldn’t want glitter to be stuck
I groan, letting my head fall back against the headrest. It’s not like I didn’t assume they’d end up having sex in all that glitter, but assuming is different than knowing for sure. Now I’m going to have the image of it whenever I set foot in the living room. Not to mention that I so don’t need to know about where Shay might currently have glitter stuck.