O Come, All Ye Kellys Read online

Page 9

“This one leaves in about four hours,” Shay says, holding up his phone. “JFK to Heathrow direct.”

  I nod. “Book it.” I do a quick calculation of the flight time and time difference before telling my mom, “Okay, we should be there early tomorrow morning your time.”

  “Okay, love. I’ll see you then.”

  “Keep me updated about the operation,” I tell her. “Use WhatsApp so I can check it during the flight.”

  She lets out a soft chuckle that makes my heart feel about ten times lighter. “Alright. You boys have a safe trip.”

  “Thanks. Bye, Mum.”

  * * *

  It’s a mad scramble to get some things packed and get ourselves to the airport in time to check in for our flight. Fortunately, Jake had already organized to stay at a school friend’s place for a couple of nights this week, but Shay still has to call him to let him know what’s going on and also put Finn on standby to stay with Jake in case this trip turns out to be longer than a couple of days.

  Once we’re finally on the plane and I’m connected to the Wi-Fi, I feel myself breathing a little easier, knowing that we’re headed in the right direction and that I’ll hear of any updates.

  A couple of hours into the flight, I get a WhatsApp message from Mum telling me Granddad is about to go in for surgery. I let out a heavy breath as I finish reading the message, which details the kind of surgery he’s having.

  “He’s about to go in for the operation.”

  I feel Shay’s large hand give mine a gentle squeeze and I glance up to find him watching me, his eyes full of love, concern, and sympathy. A little overwhelmed, I lean over and bury my head in Shay’s neck. His arms are quick to come up around me and pull me close.

  “I keep thinking about all the times Mum told him off for his bad eating habits,” I say into Shay’s sweater. “Maybe if he’d just listened…”

  “Shh…he’s going to be fine,” Shay says in a voice so reassuring it’s impossible not to believe. “And once he’s through this, we can all gang up on him and make sure he’s eating right.”

  I chuckle. “Guaranteed he’ll still sneak in a bap whenever he gets a chance.”

  * * *

  By the time we land at Heathrow, make our way through border control, collect our bags, and then take the tube to Mum and Granddad’s place in North West London, I’ve received another message telling me Granddad’s out of surgery and that the doctors are pleased with how it went. I give Mum a ring to let her know we’ve arrived, and then Shay and I head for the hospital.

  When we get there, Mum draws both of us into fierce hugs. “Thank you so much for coming. I appreciate it so much.” She dabs at her eyes with the heel of her hand. “You boys must be exhausted, though.”

  “I could definitely use some coffee,” Shay says. “Anyone else?”

  I smile up at him. “Tea, please.”

  My mum nods. “I’ll have tea as well.”

  Shay scrubs a hand through his gray-flecked dark hair. “Right. I’m in England. Am I even going to be able to get coffee anywhere?”

  I roll my eyes. He makes that lame joke every time he comes here. “Maybe try the Starbucks across the street. I’m pretty sure they make coffee there.”

  Shay lets out a soft chuckle, then drops a soft kiss to my hair before turning and walking toward the elevator, presumably on his way to Starbucks.

  “So…what wedding plans have you made?” Mum asks after Shay leaves. “Do you know where it’s going to be? Ooh and show me this ring!” She grabs my hand and brings it up to her face to inspect my engagement ring, gushing over how beautiful it is.

  My brow draws together in concern. “Are you sure you want to talk about this, Mum? What about Granddad?”

  Mum sighs. “Jamie, it’s been a horrid couple of days and I’ve been talking and thinking about your granddad non-stop. Now you’re here and I want to talk about some good news for a change.”

  With an obliging smile, I guide Mum over to a couple of free chairs in the waiting area so we can sit down and I can tell her all about the proposal, my ideas for the wedding, and our complete lack of any plans.



  * * *

  “Babe, I really don’t think this is a good idea. We have so much going on right now.”

  Heath’s grip on my hand tightens as he tugs me toward the steps that lead up to the brownstone’s entrance. “You promised you’d at least look.”

  I sigh. I had agreed to that; but, to be fair, he’d been lazily stroking my cock at the time and wouldn’t give me the attention I really needed until I did.

  The realtor meets us just inside the door and takes us through the house, with Heath gushing over every feature. I have to admit, it’s a beautiful house and when my eyes land on the small backyard I can’t help picturing our future child running around out there, chasing after Bucky, playing in the snow in winter. There’s even room for a swing set, and maybe a small grill.

  The house is plenty big enough, with good sized bedrooms and two living areas. Even if we decided to have another kid down the road we’d fit here comfortably. And it’s a nice neighborhood…close to my clinic.

  But even so…we have a baby coming any day now, and we’re going to be so busy in the months to come. As beautiful as this place is, there are parts of it that will need some work before it’s ready to be lived in. How will we possibly handle all of that with a baby and both of us juggling work?

  We end the tour back in the kitchen, the realtor smiling expectantly.

  “I still don’t know,” I say.

  She purses her lips, lifting her wrist to check the time. “I really don’t want to rush you, but I have another appointment to get to.”

  “I think my husband just needs a little more time here,” Heath says. “Is there any way we could stay for a bit?”

  The realtor eyes us up and down, scrutinizing every detail before finally relenting. “I’ll be back in half an hour to lock the house up.”

  “Thank you so much, Wendy,” Heath says, offering that charming smile that’s been winning women over for years.

  Wendy blushes and gives a small nod before turning and heading for the front door, her heels clacking against the hardwood floor.

  “Seriously, with the flirting?” I ask Heath once I hear the door close behind her.

  His brows shoot up. “That was not flirting. And she’s like my mom’s age.” Taking my hand, he starts leading me through the house again. “Can’t you just imagine it—kids playing in the backyard. Bursting through the front door after school and racing to the kitchen for a snack. And these stairs,” he drags me over to the stairs that seem to go on forever. “Come on—how perfect are they for surfing down?”

  “Okay, the prospect of our kids breaking their necks by surfing down the stairs isn’t really the best way to win me over, baby.”

  “They’ll wear helmets,” he says, as if that’s a perfectly legitimate argument. “You can’t do stair surfing without a helmet. It wouldn’t be safe.”

  I roll my eyes, then turn to gaze at him. “You really love this house, don’t you?”

  He nods, his expression completely sincere as he says, “I really do.”

  I let out a soft groan. Stepping forward, I wrap my arms around his waist and drop my forehead to rest against his. I promised on our wedding day I’d spend every day of my life making him as happy as he makes me. So if this will make him happy…I draw in a deep breath. “I guess we’re buying a house.”

  His lips spread into a broad grin before he seals them against mine, his arms coming up to link around my neck and hold me against him. I groan into his mouth as the kiss deepens, and before I know it we’re writhing against each other, the movement of our bodies so familiar after so long together.

  I hastily scramble at the front of Heath’s jeans, unfastening them and pulling out his hardening cock, loving the way it grows thicker at my touch. I stroke him leisurely as my mouth moves to his neck, placing hot kiss
es along his skin.

  “Jesus, Dec,” he murmurs, letting out a groan as I speed up my strokes. “Fuck…please, I need you.”

  Those words are all it ever takes for me to give in. Letting go of his cock, I glance around at our surroundings before directing Heath toward the staircase. “Here. Brace yourself. Ass out, baby.”

  He does as I instruct, bending over with his hands against one of the steps, his ass in the air directly in front of me.

  I come up behind him and shove his jeans down around his thighs, revealing the creamy white skin of his gorgeous ass. Digging in my back pocket, I pull out my wallet and retrieve a single-use package of lube. Then I unfasten my jeans and get my hard, pulsing cock out.

  Knowing that Heath loves to feel the burn, I don’t bother with much prep. I quickly apply some of the lube to his hole before slicking up my cock and moving closer behind him, pushing inside in one smooth stroke.

  He lets out a stream of panted curses as I pierce his outer ring, but they ultimately transform into groans of pleasure as I fill him completely and he adjusts to the sensation.

  “Fuck, yes,” he growls. “Oh, god, Dec…fuck me, baby.”

  Heedless of the fact that this is technically still someone else’s house, and that the realtor could walk back in at any moment and find us fucking right here on the stairs, I give Heath exactly what he wants, snapping my hips in hard, frenzied movements. I dig my fingers into his hips as I drive deep inside him, over and over. The strangled groan of pleasure Heath lets out as I hit his prostate is the most perfect sound in the world; hearing it never gets old.

  Neither does the knowledge of just how much I fucking love this man.

  “Ahh…fuck, Dec…I’m gonna come,” he groans.

  “Come, baby. I’m so fucking close as well…”

  An instant later, Heath hurtles over the edge, his body seizing up as he reaches his orgasm. And feeling that sensation acts like a trigger for me; I follow immediately after, coming hard into Heath’s ass.

  I pull out of him and put my cock away, but as Heath stands and does the same, I notice we have a little problem: the wet spot on the stairs.

  I let out a soft chuckle. “Whoops. We should probably clean that up before Wendy gets back or we’ll be out of the running for the house.”

  “So…has he taken any steps since then?” I discreetly ask Josh as we both watch Connor regale yet another group of people with the now infamous tale of Chase’s first step.

  Josh let’s out a soft breath of laughter, his eyes full of affection as they fixate on my brother. “Not unless he’s been secretly doing it while none of us were watching. Which, of course, Connor hasn’t ruled out.”

  “Of course.” I chuckle, nodding in agreement. Although with three parents, I can’t imagine Chase getting much alone time to enact this covert walking operation.

  Liam and Melinda approach us from across the room, with Liam brandishing fresh beers for Josh and me.

  “God, I really love this house,” Liam says. “Blake has a whole fridge just for alcohol.”

  “We really need one of those,” Melinda says, taking a generous swig of her wine.

  We’re at Blake and Owen’s because it’s New Year’s Eve and their Greenwich Village brownstone is pretty much the ultimate party house. It’s by no means a rager, but everyone seems to have managed to get sitters for their kids so there’s a pretty decent turn out amongst my siblings and their partners.

  Perhaps not so conspicuously absent is Owen, who I’m pretty sure scheduled a shift tonight just to avoid the party. He may have come out of his shell a lot since he and Blake got together, but some things just don’t change.

  Shay and Jamie aren’t here either, having rushed over to England for a family emergency during the week. And Aidan and Ben decided to stay in Austin instead of flying out so soon after their last visit. But that still leaves the majority of my siblings, as well as several of Owen and Blake’s friends, making the party reasonably crowded, if not totally off the wall.

  I decide to sit on my beer for a little while; this is my third and although I’m far from entering the drunk zone, I’m also keenly aware that we’re only a week away from the due date and Melissa could go into labor at any moment. I definitely don’t want to be wasted when my baby’s born.

  “Have you told them yet?” Heath asks, sidling up to me and resting his hand on the back of my neck.

  I offer him an affectionate smile. “No, I was waiting for you.”

  “What’s going on?” Liam asks. “Oh, did you have the baby?”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, we had the baby and then just left it at home for the night so we could come out drinking.”

  “We’re buying a house!” Heath announces brightly.

  Several pairs of wide eyes stare back at us.

  “Now?” Melinda asks.

  I sigh. “Yeah, that was my feeling too. But eventually he won me over.”

  Heath shrugs. “We had sex on the stairs. We kind of had to buy it after that.”

  “Remind me to wear a hazmat suit whenever I visit your new house,” Liam grumbles.

  “I don’t see why that would be necessary. You don’t seem to have a problem with our current place,” Heath reasons. “And we have sex everywhere. I mean, there’s probably cum on every surface you can think of.”



  * * *

  “Hey, Owen.”

  I draw up short as my boss, Marie, the nursing supervisor here in the ED, calls out to me just before I’m about to leave for the night. It’s been one hell of a shift—New Year’s Eve in the ED is always crazy as hell—and very unusually for me, I’m actually looking forward to getting home to what I know will be a house full of my family and friends. I’m not a big party person, but if Blake and everyone else I love is there it sounds perfect to me.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Did you treat a boy named Ryder Bellamy a couple weeks ago?”

  My brows shoot up. “He came in a few days before Christmas. Why?”

  Her lips purse in a tight frown. “He was back again tonight.”

  An inexplicable wave of panic rushes through me. I don’t understand it; I barely even know Ryder, but I feel a visceral need to know he’s okay. “What happened? Is he alright? Was it another seizure?”

  One of Marie’s perfectly-sculpted brows arches up, but she doesn’t comment on my desperate demeanor. “He’s okay. And yes, it was another seizure. He’s back up in pediatric neurology now.” She draws in a deep breath and then lets it out. “But that’s not why I stopped you from leaving. Holly Vale wants to talk to you. It seems Ryder’s foster mother has left him here.”

  My mouth parts in surprise and I just stare at Marie for a moment. Holly Vale is one of the hospital’s on-call social workers. “Left? As in…she abandoned him?”

  Marie frowns, her head nodding sadly. “It seems that way, yeah.”

  “Where’s Holly?”

  “Up in pediatrics, with Ryder.”

  I give Marie a nod of thanks and turn on my heel back toward the elevators.

  As I make my way up to pediatrics, I figure I should probably give Blake a call to let him know what’s going on.

  “Hey, um, I’m not going to get home for the party tonight.”

  Blake lets out an affectionate chuckle. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  “No, that’s not…” I sigh. “Believe it or not, I actually wanted to be there this year.”

  “O, what’s going on? Is something wrong?” His voice is full of concern and it makes my heart just melt. I hate that he’s worried but I love how much he cares.

  “Not exactly. Sorry, I know you have a house full of guests, but is there any way you can get to the hospital?” I ask. “I’ll be in the pediatric ward.”

  “The pediatric ward?”

  I nod, although I know he can’t see me. “Yeah.”

  Blake sighs. “Okay. I’m on my way.”


  “What is it, sweetheart?”

  I draw in a deep breath, knowing I’m pretty much asking him to do the impossible. “Can you bring Elmo?”


  “Yeah…like, not the actual Muppet, but a toy, or something with Elmo on it.”

  He pauses for a long moment before finally saying, “I’ll see what I can do.”

  We end the call and I release a heavy breath, letting my head fall back against the wall of the elevator. The odds of Blake being able to find something ‘Elmo’ at eleven pm on New Year’s Eve is next to impossible, but I know if anyone can it’s him.

  Ryder’s room is easy to find once I step off the elevator onto the pediatrics ward; as it happens, it’s the same room he was in when I came to visit a couple days before Christmas. I know they’d been running tests at that time—ECGs and MRIs to check his brain activity—but they hadn’t made a conclusive diagnosis at that point. With how busy everything has been since then I’ve forgotten to follow up.

  Holly greets me with a kind smile when I meet her in Ryder’s room. The boy himself is fast asleep; evidently they required the use of Valium to bring him out of the seizure this time and that stuff can really knock you down.

  “Do you know what happened?” I ask Holly after she ushers me out into the hall. “Marie didn’t give details.”

  “I just know that he came in seizing. Andrea Lawson and Dev Gavaskar were the nurses treating him.”

  “Andrea was with me last time.”

  Holly nods. “Yes, she said as much. That’s why I asked to see you.”

  At Holly’s request, I give a brief recount of what happened the night Ryder was brought in just before Christmas. I keep it straightforward and unbiased, especially when it comes to answering Holly’s questions about Ryder’s former foster mother. I know Holly’s just doing her job; this woman has abandoned a child and now Social Services need to gather as much information as possible to determine whether she can still provide a safe environment for her other children. But I don’t like the thought that something I say could be a determining factor in that decision.